Thursday, October 27, 2011

How To Have a Weird Theory

According to my mom, spider veins are caused when people refuse to wear socks.

No joke. She legitimately believes that this is true.

I tried to tell her the other day that this idea was, and still is, completely and utterly absurd. "It makes perfect sense!" she kept telling me in the car, and kept rattling on and on about why she was right, and why I was wrong. Her mind was pretty much made up, so I plugged in my mp3 Player named Wonder, and drowned out her whiny voice with epic music the rest of the way home.

I don't know all the factors that lead to getting spider veins, but I know that age and heredity are one of them. Not wearing socks, on the other hand, is debatable. Our conversation in her red Jeep Compass basically went as follows:

Me: What are you talking about? How the heck does a person get verrucas veins from not wearing any socks inside the house?
Mom: Come on, Chiaki! Even a grade one-er would know the answer to this! Two plus two equals four!
Me: Oh my gosh. My Health teacher told us in class the other day that you are wrong.
Mom: Tell your teacher that she is wrong. Is she a doctor? No! Is my doctor a doctor? Yes! Of course she is! And she told me that not wearing socks inside the house is how you get verrucas veins!
Me: -_- I bet if the doctor told you about a shampoo that makes you smarter, you would believe her.
Mom: WHAAAAAAT? What are you going on about now? How does shampoo and brain cells link? >.>
Me: Well, maybe the soapy bubbly stuff gets absorbed into the cells on your head, and then it seeps into your brain, thus making you smarter :D
Mom: That makes no sense. The shampoo is on the outside, and your brain is on the inside. That's impossible.
Me: And your veins are inside your legs, and the cold floor is outside of your feet.
Mom: Whatever. I'm not talking to you, anymore. You're just talking nonsense now...

Yeah. I'm the one spurring out nonsense.

This little conversation made me aware of a couple of things.
1) How grateful I should be that my mom's weird theories didn't ruin my social life
2) My mom isn't the only person with weird theories

Congratulations, you lucky How To Be Epik reader! Today, you have the awesome privilege of reading up on weird theories  ^_^ Yeah, yeah. I know the title of this blog entry is called, "HOW TO Have a Weird Theory," which basically leads smart people to believe that this blog is going to tell you how to accomplish nonsense, although I must point out that How To is simply a fancy thing I decided to put before every title on this blog, since, y'know, this blog is called How To Be Epik, and it would be pretty cool if all the titles commenced with How To... and blah! This is a long sentence D:

I would also like to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!! If you subscribed to this blog, left a comment, voted in the poll, or even just read the post (and didn't comment because you're cool that way (*cough*Flavia*cough*Rebecca*cough*Maria*cough*)), then you forever. Seriously. You have just made a little girl (500 FREAKING POUNDS, MAN! Haha, just kidding :P) in a small town VERY VERY HAPPY. In fact, you have all made my dream come true. I made a list a while ago of 101 Things I Want To Do Before I Die, and blogging was on one of them. I love you guys forever, and award you all virtual muffins. You have no idea how thrilled you have made me. Even if you hated the blog layout, the post, or thought I was some immature freak hyped up on sugar, I still love you, for taking ten minutes of your life which you shall never get back, and devoting them to this blog ^_^

Well...maybe twenty minutes for some of you, but still :) You guys are all amazing,


Back to the blog. As already mentioned, the first thing I came to realise was how lucky I was that my mom's weirdness did not damage my social life as much as it could have.

Now, I am not the type of person who goes all, "WAAAAAAAH! WHADDUP WITH MY SOCIAL LIFE? D: EWWWWWWW! WHY DOESN'T SHE TALK TO ME ANYMORE?" No way. I have way better things to obsess over. Like Tom Felton, for example :P (for the record, I am now over him. Stalking him is just BOR-ING -_-) I'll wonder about that stuff, sometimes. Like, if one of my friends is avoiding me, I'll obsess over it accordingly, but I try not to be overly-obsessive. So I can focus on other things! Life doesn't evolve around one person, y'know.

Anyway, back to the point I was trying to make last paragraph. If you grew up with my mom and her weird theories, you would doubt almost every single thing said to you. For example...

A lot of little girls love to make crowns or tiaras out of flowers. Well, that was the "in-thing" with all the other five year olds in my area. But then my mom told me that there were teeny tiny bugs living inside the flowers. I love flowers, but hate bugs, as all sane people should. Well, I didn't believe her. One day, I brought my flower-woven tiara inside, and on the kitchen table. I turned around for a couple minutes to do something, and when I turned around again, there were bugs EVERYWHERE! Well, not everywhere, but in enough places to make me scream. These little black objects all just marched out of the flowers and started swarming this random little spot on the table, and I was there, sobbing because I just remembered that that tiara had been in my hair, and now there were probably bugs up there. Which just sucks. It's almost as bad as the time Kyle told me toast was better than muffins, which it's not, for the record :P (I also blame this on The Law of Attraction, by the way)

So score one for my mom. But then she told me things like, "Ohh! Your toys will come alive at night and take you away unless you're sleeping by 8:00!" and "If you don't wear socks in the house, you're going to get big ugly veins all over your legs" and other weirdness. " My mom believed some of the theories she told us, but made up others for the sole purpose of getting us to do what she wanted. Mind you, they worked, but it was often difficult to tell whether or not she believed herself. Because of this, we often confused the truth with the lies, and often looked quite odd in front of other children.

It's just plain embarrassing when teachers ask you a question, and you answer, and it turns out you gave an answer way far from the truth, and it's all your mom's fault for having stupid theories.

Randomness ^^^^

I shouldn't be bagging on my mom, though. I love her...when I'm not yelling at her. She's pretty awesome when she's not yelling at me, too ^_^ Plus, she's not the only one with messed-up theories. I know plenty of other people that have twisted theories, too! ^_^


Okay, so you know how when you shed skin, you leave behind a trail of dust? Well, I guess it's not necessarily a trail, but your dead skin cells are basically dust. One of the girls in my Tap class last year had a Science teacher, who believed that if you shed all your skin in a particular spot, you would eventually have your own little clone growing inside your room.

Can I just say that having your very own clone would be total awesome-possumness!! ? SERIOUSLY! They would...go to school for you, eat your vegetables (eeeew!) and everything! Oh! Have any of you guys seen that cartoon by Pip Animation Studios, that played on Teletoon? 'Twas called Carl^2 ("Carl Squared") and it was the best human-clone show EVER!! XD

I like weird cartoons. Don't judge.

On the topic of vegetables and how they are gross, I would just like to point out four things. One. One of the ways our school is divided is by the Meat Lovers and the Veggie-Freaks. Two. Next week, the cafeteria has decided to only sell vegetables. Three. I blame the vegetarians. Four. This is terrible, and lowers the overall rating of my school. I predict there shall be blood shed next week.

Now that that point was made, and quite randomly, on with theories!

Children also tend to have weird theories. For example, when I was younger, I had no idea how babies were born. No one ever bothered to tell me, so for some reason, I had this random idea (completely out of the blue) that people bought babies at drug stores. They were in little cages, and the people shopping would buy the baby they liked the best. I also thought that children didn't grow up. I  thought I would be four years old forever, which would just suck, by the way. But then I learned that people did grow older, and eventually I would be taller. I thought that this happened all in one burst. One minute, I'd be sitting down at a table, eating quite awesomely. And the next thing I know, dramatic music starts playing, I grow really tall, and am super-mature with all the skills the average adult seems to have.

It was quite an amazing thought :3 Especially since I was taller than my mom AND my dad, so I was like 6 foot-something, which is a height I am convinced I shall never reach :(

More weird theories!!

In future generations, humans will no longer posses a pinkie toe D: I decided to put this theory in bold because....well, I'm just cool that way :P But seriously. I'm starting to think that I should've just made a list of all the theories I was going to talk about, and then expanded on each. Whatever.

Coackroaches are invincible. I have NO idea if this is true or not, though I am convinced that this is pretty far-fetched. You see dear non-cockroach, cockroaches are bugs. Bugs are tiny. Humans are big. Humans squish bugs. Bugs die. And people, that is the natural order of things! Don't give me some speech on bug-rights or something, because no matter what the law tells me, I am still going to accidentally kill bugs. I walk on grass everyday, and who knows how many bugs I step on?

The first time I saw the Invincible Cockroach idea was during an episode of The Fairly Oddparents. I vaguely recall a bomb, and lots of roaches, and not dying. If roaches can survive atomic bombs, I think that the government should make larger versions of cockroach skin, sell them, and whenever a nuclear-bomb warning thingy goes off, we should all jump into a giant cockroach skin, and prepare for impact.

Oh my gosh, I just came up with all that while writing O_O I am a genius. I think I have just solved the world's nuclear war problem. Or something...

IF YOU ARE THE ENEMY, DISREGARD WHAT YOU HAVE JUST READ! I actually don't know who the enemy is.... I don't make it a habit to keep up with these things.

Wow, I just realised I could do a whole blog post on war.

But back to theories. One of the weird and messed-up ones I have (and I am quite convinced of this) has to do with corn skin. I think it might have been L.S. Tredom who told me this. Apparently, it's really difficult for your stomach to digest corn skin, or something. So. What if there was a suit, made entirely of corn skin, and you had to walk through a pool of acid? I bet if you wore the suit of corn-skin, you wouldn't burn.

Never mind the fact that I doubt anyone would ever find themselves in a situation where they would have to walk through a pool of acid, but you never know. The apocalypse may possibly be approaching.

Something I love to do is trick a small kid into thinking I have secret powers. You know those automatic doors? The ones that open by themselves thanks to a suspicious little sensor? Well, when I was seven, I always found it quite amusing to go up to a door, shout, "OPEN SESAME!" with my hand stretched out, Voldemort-style, and then watch as the door would "magically" swing open by itself. Smaller kids watching would gasp at my amazingess. I also liked to make kids cry by passionately eating a lollipop in front of them when I was three (and other sweets, like ice cream, but mostly lollipops), but that's another story :P

Okay, so you guys are all probably getting quite bored now, and possibly a little creeped out at the above paragraph. I mean, what monster would want to make little boys and girls cry? Well, I did. Deal with it. I'm going to talk about one more theory now, and that theory is one that a lot of people seem to have. It also has to do with colours, which makes it awesome.

Okay, here goes.

What if you saw different colours than me? For example, I'm staring at a purple binder right now. What I see is purple, and what you see might be what I call "yellow." But what I call yellow is "purple" to you, so then it seems like everything is all good, but in reality, it's not, because one of our visions are rigged 0_o


That's about it for today, folks. As usual, I shall end this post with several questions to readers ^_^

  • Does anyone you know have any weird theories?
  • Do YOU have any weird theories? O_O
  • Have you ever heard of the cartoon show called Carl^2?
  • Are cockroaches actually invincible? >.>
  • Are you a meat lover? :D
  • Is the new blog design kind of weird? (yeah, nothing to do with the post, but who cares :P)
  • I AM NOT A BULLY! (just had to say that, in case you guys start thinking I spent my childhood shoving other kids off of swings. I was actually quite quiet, for the record :P)
  • Uhh...any other comments? :P
That's more questions than last week, but we're that cool ^_^ Plus, you don't need to answer all of them. It's not like I'm going to find out where you live, and then chase you with a flaming empurpled broom. Even though that would get my out of French class, I can't risk missing a day :(

One more theory to think of before you leave! The Earth is flat!! ^_^ And I am a penguin :)


  1. my friend has weird theory. we had an argument about how much wood a woodchuck chucks if a wood chuck could chuck wood. Well, she gave me a specific answer which i forget and she belives this because some book told her. My theory is that a wood chuck can chuck as much wood as it wants to. Like, what if a wood chuck doesnt want to chuck like, 750g? (I think that was the number.) well, im not sure if that is really a theory, but if it was, this would be it. Her theory: books never lie. there fore, woodchucks would chuck 750g if they could chuck wood. My theory: screw sciences and all this "books never lie" non-sense! Wood chucks can chuck as much wood as they want to if they could. What if they dont want to chuck 750g of wood? I asked my friends this question and she said the wood chuck HAD to chuck that much wood just because a freaking book said so. who do you think is right? me, or my friend?

    And yes I have watched carl^2. it was prettey awesome, but it played to early in the morning :( and yes, i am terrible at spellimg. suck it up.
    from angel

  2. I never wear socks… Until recently, I didn't even have any. O_o I like your title and reason. XD You are welcome. ^_^ I thought you lived in like a big city… O_o

    My mom sorta tried stalking someone today. Last night, the family phone was in my room because I took it from my brother because he wouldn't turn off the alarm(*Strangles air* IZ SO ANNOYING D:), and at two in the morning, someone called it. Twice, I think. I had no idea who they were. O_o Then my mom looked for where they lived/who they were on the internet from the phone number. Didn't work. XP

    I made fail rope instead of tiaras… I never got bugs in it. :3 Those are awesome theories. XD I've never heard of Carl^2...

    VEGETABLES ARE EPIK! And so are meats. I would not like to test running through acid. XD


    Does anyone you know have any weird theories? No… Not really… I think… :P
    Do YOU have any weird theories? O_O Same. XP
    Have you ever heard of the cartoon show called Carl^2? No. D:
    Are cockroaches actually invincible? >.> No. I've proven it. XP
    Are you a meat lover? :D Yesh. ^_^
    Is the new blog design kind of weird? (yeah, nothing to do with the post, but who cares :P) Yeah, still awesome. *grabs spade in preparation for NaNoWriMo* Wrong spade kind. D:
    I AM NOT A BULLY! (just had to say that, in case you guys start thinking I spent my childhood shoving other kids off of swings. I was actually quite quiet, for the record :P) I enjoy shoving myself off swings… Jumping, whatever. Except when it's woodchips I'm landing on. XD

  3. I ALWAYS go barefoot in the house, and, I don't have spider veins!! :) Awesome blog post!! I actually don't have any weird theories of my own. That makes me REALLY weird! Lol!! ;)

    Love your blog!!

  4. Adding onto what Tane said.... I hate all shoes and hate all socks and never wear either, and I don't think I have any pider veins... 0_o I don't exactly know what they are, though. :P

    I have a theory that dogs have bad dreams! Seriously, my dog will be growling or whimpering or kicking in his sleep. So I have to wake him up and hug him and go, "It's okay, Maco, I'm here, Macoroni" and bury my face in his fur to make him feel better. ^_^

    e_e One time my dog tarted growling at this spot like 2 feet from the ceiling where nothing was there.... but he was growling for 10 minutes and my dog made me sit down in case somethnig was there that we couldn't see. O_O

    Cool post! UPDATE MORE OFTEN... D:

  5. Epic blog Chi!!!
    Thats all I'm sayin' cause I'm cool like that. :P
    Flavia <3

  6. Angel,

    Me thinks this might possibly answer your question ^_^

    "While it makes for a great tongue-twister, the sad answer is: probably none. Woodchucks aren’t particularly tree-oriented, and while they can climb to find food, they prefer being on the ground. In fact, they got the name “woodchuck” from British trappers who couldn’t quite wrap their tongues around the Cree Indian name “wuhak.”

    More commonly (and accurately) known as groundhogs, these animals are closely related to squirrels, marmots, and prairie dogs, with which they share an affinity for burrowing. And actually, a burrowing woodchuck can chuck dirt, in the form of tunnels that can reach five feet deep and as much as 35 feet in length.

    So, based on that number, New York State wildlife expert Richard Thomas calculated that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he could chuck as much as 700 pounds of the stuff.

    Read more:"

    :D I recommend memorizing those passages, and then reciting them to your friend for maximum effect :3


    Thanketh thou!! ^_^

    A lot of people don't seem to wear socks... I can't say the same about me, though. I kind of have a habit of wearing them :P but don't your feet get cold???? :O Unless you have a carpet floor. But still :P I vaguely recall on AN (last year), you mentioning that you ran outside in the snow with no shoes on :P

    O_O WHOOOOOOOOA! Okay, I know I've mentioned this before, but your mom is SO awesome! She always comes up with the best names, and now she's into stalking?? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (okay, her intentions were good, but I still count that as stalking :P)

    Has she tried going on That worked for me when I got a couple of stalkerish texts >.>

    Hmm...maybe the bugs are just the Law of Attraction's fault, then >.> They weren't like beatles, though. They were really tiny. Like fruit flies, but without the wings :P I think I forgot to mention that... :P

    :3 I am pleased to announce that we both have The Force residing within us, giving us the epikness to be able to open doors and stalk quite awesomly :P

    you squished a cockroach? O_O Well, I'm assuming that's how you killed it, since I have no idea how else you would kill one :P Unless you have a flame thrower, but then that might not work if the Fairly Odd Parent's theory works :P ....Wouldn't you get bug guts all over your shoe? >.> :P

    WOODCHIPS ARE AWESOME XD They're soft, and they don't give you the same marks gravel gives you, and you don't get sand in your shoes, either! ^_^

    I wonder if there's a difference between shoving yourself off a swing, and jumping...? 0_o

    *flies away*

  8. Tangerine Tane,

    Thanks for the comment!! ^_^ I loof your blog, too!

    Three cheers for weirdness! HIPHIP-*tansforms into a frog 'cause I'm cool like that :P*


  9. A-Dog,

    EXACTLY WHAT I TOLD MY MOM!! :O Does she listen? No -_- :P Oh, and spider veins are verecus veins. Which are these green veins that crawl up the side of your leg wen you get older. It has something to do with it becomming more difficult for the blood to flow back to your heart, I think, so your veins become more...defined on the outside :P But don't worry about it ^_^

    O_O I've never heard a dog growling in their sleep 0_o Unless they're just pretending of course :P If that were the case, they'd be like...stealth dogs. NINJA PUPPIES XD Awww! I love your dog's name!! :D

    Your dog sounds scary (growling at nothing?), but cute and awesome at the same time!! XD That was a creepy story @_@

    I update every Friday ^_^ But I skipped a Friday because I was dreadfully sick, and could not get inspired. Seriously, I wrote like three different entries, and ended up deleting them all 0_o

  10. Flav!

    Aha, no worries! You said a bunch of nice things on the bus ^_^

    Do I sound formal and less laid back by using nicey-nice words? :D :P

    <3 Chi

  11. Sometimes… We haz carpet. Iz lame. XD I must do that again this year… Perhaps pretend to go swimming. 8D

    Sometimes. :P I think she's only come up with Glistening Fairy Boy… She said she attempted stalking a famous singer guy when she was a kid, without the internet, but couldn't afford a plane ticket to Germany. XD No… Just Google. ^_^

    *Prepares baseball bat for the LOA* I was bitten by a lady bug thing once… I do not like them. e_e

    *Does uberhappy dance*

    Our… older house had them. :P <.< Nooo. I don't think I did, anyway. I tend to steal other people's shoes to do that. XD I should borrow a flamethrower to try killing a cockroach. :D

    I got a splinter from them inside a blister. o_o Or maybe the woodchips at the park just sucked. :P I'd say the second is more of putting your arms behind you and pulling on yourself. O_o

  12. I have spider veins and I refuse to wear socks... Hmmm... ;) Anyway, Love your blog, and I ABSOLUTELY love the way you write, you made me smile. You have a talent and a passion, keep on using them! I will be reading your blog in future :)

  13. Lord Chi!
    It's Fluffieess~ (obvs)
    About your email. The Bamboo Pen&Touch is really great, and it comes with
    -The tablet itself
    -Bamboo pen
    -quick start guide
    -installation cd (tablet driver, tutorial, and online manual)
    -software dvd (adobe photoshop element 8.0, and nik color efex pro)
    -free offer coupons from shutterfly and cafe press

    I have the package for my tablet in front of me, so yeahh... That's what it should have. If you're getting it off of kijiji, you might not get the coupons :)
    It's def not THE BEST tablet out there, but it's profesh enough to fulfil all your drawing needs :) you really don't need anything bigger than it, unless you're working at a university or something. at my emcp course, they only used the wacom brand for designing and stuff, so it's def a great brand.
    Photoshop isn't really the best for sketching and lineart, so you might wanna get a couple other programs as well. I mean, pse (photoshop elements) is more of a beginner program than anything else. If you want the professional photoshop, you might have to splurge an extra 80-2000 bucks (depending on which version you get).
    For digital sketching and stuff, you can try gimp (free~), paint tool sai (~$60), or opencanvas (idk.)
    Anywho! About theories~! (holy crud this is a long comment.)
    1. my cousin has a theory that aeropostale is trying to rule the clothing industry. it's actually quite entertaining to hear her talk about it :)
    2. my theories..? that robbie pretends to be kaitlin during gym class on halloween.
    3. YESH. its on teletoon alot...
    4. idk! they're just gross. veggies for the win!
    6. it's cute! not weird at all. ^-^
    7. aqhshgfkekwygthuef im getting tired, gotta go take a shower. i still love your blog! :D
    (ehh. too lazy to sign in.)

  14. @Saber/Sabrina

    Oooh! I love the word "Obvs!" I've totally gotta use that one more often ^_^ Like, it's so obvs how Kaitlin was NOT Robbie :3

    Aaah! I see! Thank you soooo muchness!! XD Unfortunately, that stupid dude who put up the ad in the first place took it down as soon as I emailed him (I sensed that he no longer wanted me to buy it, or it was broken. In the ad, he said it had, "minor damages from sitting for a few months." WHAT THE HECK DOES THAT MEAN!? You don't get damage from sitting for a few months! Ugh... I rest my case... Whatever that means :P) Anyway, I'm gonna order the new Bamboo Create today, which will officially deplete me of all my hard-earned money. Wah. I need to get a job...

    O_O That is actually a good theory!! Never would've thought of that :P

    whaaaaaaaaaat? Thou arts vegetarian??? SHUUUUUUUUNNNN!!

  15. @Perrin

    Hmm...It's probably just a coinky-dink :3

    Awww thankss!! XDXDXD You just made my whole day!! ^O^

  16. Haha! I love your blog and the way you write! You didn't just make me smile but want to laugh but if I laughed out loud and someone heard me, I think my family would think I've finally gone mad! Love the theories,they're really amusing!

    I'm not sure if I have any weird theories; they may seem normal to me but weird to others. Well actually, I do have the theory that my older brother either sat on me as a baby or stole all the tall genes, and that's what made me short. But that's more of a joke! And by the way, I also love meat and hate veggies!

    I really enjoy your blog! Keep up the good writing!


I'd love to hear your comments!